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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Snake or Moving Through a Spacial Field, the Relative on the Wheel

Four Directions, a Field

Sacred Song Blessing for Rainbow Mother Yaniv

Winds will blow, with angel wings. There I sow my heart will grow. All the hues I never knew, just what I did to follow over you. And when I sing, I bring the tones of all the many colored rainbows their bones (chewing on). And the tasks never masked, always revealing to the waking of the seals. When I'm gone, I wonder wine, all that intoxication of love bitter sighs. Yet inside, my heart subsides to bring in heavenly tones of what we long to feel.

Feel the wheel, all ways on the tones. Watching over the welcome wagon wheel. There my song is waking all along. To where we are mighty rainbows in the clouds. Can we share, all that is the hair, the many streaming colors of the welcome wheel. And within, the sacred sins, don't you know it's time to blow it free again. Blessings pure, now it's time to turn, the walking talking sacred loving shaking urn. There is wind upon the sins, when we bless all the snow to begin. And if we subside and wonder about the ride, the moment in time of blessings will surprise.

There is a window, where all the dreams sow. We are the waking of the sacred view. And it's cherished by the making of the solid faithful grains, the fields of both will wane. I say to you, let us feel this view, Sun is shining in all the different hues ((waves in all directions)). And I say glory praised, my heart is welcoming you to the daze. Solid chores, I will adore, for every walking talking sack of leads I implore. what can I do to help you? I want to share the times of the new age too.

Field looking like the Star of David
Blessings deer, never fear, God is holding you inside this sacred wheel. And my heart willing to pout, to bring the tears of heaven down to shout. We are home, sacred thrones. We are brotherhood about the tones. Finally come, we hit the drum, for the children to hear the heart beat of the hums. love everyone, love everyone. love everyone. love everyone. love everyone. love everyone. love everyone, then we will know just what to feel, we will love everyone.

White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums for the Heart of Rainbow Mother Yaniv.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother
Good night, we love you Rainbow Mother Yaniv. Welcome to the Shambala Farm, feeling safe from harm.

image moving through the suns, each a sacred field of four directions

12 Rainbow Colors, six inside, six outside, 12 Tribes 

to and fro of the cosmic know, thus spiritual glow

good walking or wakan (holy walking)

 Blessing a field, folding over the field into a sun, 
purification process, the law, LOVE.
this is holy walking (wakan or where the eagle flies)


Seven images above created by White Buffalo Calf Woman Twin Deer Mother

Image of many fields streaming by Rainbow Mother Yaniv, streaming stones among the mountain tones and buried bones, the Suns are born (children of the rainbow clan, all our relatives, the spacial fields).

 Image thinking of Rainbow Yaniv (fields) to Auntie (silver cosmic woman, mirror to paradise and a field as image captures of the Nine sacred streams) by Aunt Daneen Seasons That Sing

Image  by KeBear Rainbow Heart
(all images below are from KeBear Rainbow Heart)

link 1 and link 2

I bow to all my Relatives, Flying SUNS, your devoted White Buffalo Calf Woman, elder of the Rainbow Clan,

Cosmic Dust




diamond inside the diamond

Relatives of the Rainbow True, when you start to know the glue, that holds us together, all the stones. Here I found a perfect form. Listen with your heart and eyes, envisioning tells us no lies, but if we recognize all parts, we need each other to have a holy arc (great mystery upon us all, a puzzle with perfect form). Step to the beat inside our heads, then love will rescue all we save! White Buffalo Calf Woman singing in the winds, helping the warriors start and begin. Holiness David Running Eagle with his eyes, knows it's about time. Let love shine through for all of you. We bow to the sacred nine streams of love, that bind us to the four directions of God, the faces that live in everyone, buffalo running in the great big sun. We love you....

radiance with embrace

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Posts of Giving Annoucements

Posts of Giving Annoucements of Giving AnnoucementsGoogle Sites1 Away Love!

Today I give away love to all the planet of the Earth and I keep my open heart near all those who come to Earth, and I have more than wisdom, the faith upon the sea, I have my heart that flourishes, because it's you that I see!

I need you more than sorrow, because you are my rose, the blossom of tomorrow that grows and grows and grows. This is the way of loving forever and eternity, my heart that's full of wisdom because I long to be, with all the blossoms, that sing eternally!

WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMotherwhitebuffalocalfwoman@gmail.comgivingawaylove2